Art by Curt Swan and Tex Blaisdell
What if comic book superheroes existed in the real world? How would Iron-Man have handled the Vietnam War during the 1960s? Would Captain America have interceded on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement? Could Superman have stopped the famine in Ethiopia during the 1980s? How would the country react to a Captain America who was African American? Would the Justice League have fought against pollution?
Remixing History attempts to answer those questions by exploring individual comic books and television episodes through the lens of the real-world events that shaped their narratives. By intertwining these fictional stories with their factual counterparts, Remixing History creates a hybrid narrative that not only offers a unique perspective but serves as a gateway to further understanding of the past as well as present. Remixing history in such a manner likewise demonstrates the educational potential of fictional narratives in both high school and college classrooms.
Remixing History is not alone in its beliefs as college professors and high school teachers across the country have already found ways to incorporate popular culture into their classrooms. Nonprofit organizations have likewise popped up to both promote the use of pop culture as an education tool and launch their own learning initiatives. Many existing nonprofits, meanwhile, have created original comic books to teach young and old alike about not only history but physics, the Holocaust, and the homeless. Remixing History contains sections on each of these areas as well, making it a one-stop website for those interested in the use of popular culture in the classroom.
Remixing History has a sister site, Geek Frontiers, that explores geek culture as a genuine culture. The basic tenets of geek culture – from comic books to science fiction to gaming – are not only being used as learning tools but as charity vehicles and the means for social change. Geek Frontiers spotlights these efforts, as well as original fan creations in art, music, and theater that enhance the geek experience. As opposed to other contemporary websites, Geek Frontier is more of a “digital history database” intent on preserving geek culture rather than offering the latest news in entertainment, as well as an exploration of what makes geek culture a prevailing culture in the twenty-first century.
Taken together, Remixing History and Geek Frontiers offer a deeper understanding and interpretation of our times – both past and present – and even help chart a path to the future, all through the lens of popular culture.
Anthony Letizia