Welcome to Remixing History!

What if comic book superheroes existed in the real world? How would Iron-Man have handled the Vietnam War during the 1960s? Would Captain America have interceded on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement? Could Superman have stopped the famine in Ethiopia during the 1980s? How would the country react to a Captain America who was African-American? Would the Justice League have fought against pollution?

Remixing History attempts to answer those questions by exploring individual comic books and television episodes through the lens of the real-world events that shaped their narratives. By intertwining these fictional stories with their factual counterparts, Remixing History creates a hybrid narrative that not only offers a unique perspective but serves as a gateway to further understanding of the past as well as present. Remixing history in such a manner likewise demonstrates the educational potential of fictional narratives in both high school and college classrooms.

With each new generation, what was once the recent past becomes the distant the past. Yet to truly understand the present, a knowledge of that past is critical.  As a result, history needs to continually be re-explored in new ways so that both the stories and the lessons are not forgotten. While much of history has already been written and the story more-or-less remains the same, Remixing History takes a different approach than the traditional, remixing a factual narrative with a fictional and, by doing so, contextualizes history with the culture of the times.

Remixing History has a sister site, Geek Frontiers, that explores Geek Culture as a genuine culture with its own unique history. More significantly, the basic tenets of Geek Culture – from comic books to science fiction to gaming – are increasingly being used as educational tools, charity vehicles, and the means for social change. Geek Frontiers spotlights all these areas, as well as fan initiatives that transform Geek Culture into viable and unique experiences on the local level through art, music, and theater.

Taken together, Remixing History and Geek Frontiers offer a deeper understanding and interpretation of our times – both past and present – and even help chart a path to the future, all through the lens of popular culture.

Anthony Letizia