The DC Comics Universe

Robin: Case of the Kidnapped Crusader

Tom Carson, a consumer advocate within the DC Comics Universe similar to Ralph Nader in the real world, visits Hudson State University and is rescued from a kidnapping attempt by Robin.

Batman: Paul Is Dead

Four months after a Detroit DJ used hidden clues on a Beatles album to reveal the secret death of Paul McCartney, Batman attempted to solve a similar mystery involving British band the Twists.

Batman: The Theft of the Mona Lisa

The famed painting was not only stolen from the Louvre in 1911 but in a DC Comics storyline featuring Batman in the present and Leonardo da Vinci’s inspiration being kidnapped in the past.

Heroes Against Hunger

In 1986, DC Comics published a special benefit comic featuring Batman and Superman fighting famine in Africa that was part of a world-wide effort to raise funds for the real-world Ethiopia.

Lois Lane: When It Rains, God is Crying

A special two-part comic book miniseries in 1986 featured the famed reporter for the Daily Planet investigating missing children, similar to efforts in the real world during the decade.

Starfire: Apartheid No More

The DC Comics superhero Starfire traveled to South Africa in 1986 and witnessed the atrocious treatment of blacks firsthand just as the anti-apartheid movement in U.S. was hitting its stride.

Teen Titans: The Mad Mod and Swinging London

The DC superhero group head to London in 1968 with American rock star Holley Hep, where they encounter a Carnaby Street fashion designer who uses his clothing to smuggle contraband.

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