Education Library

Buffy in the Classroom

A collection of essays explores the ways that the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been used in college classrooms, including freshman introductory courses and seminars.

Exploring Science Through Science Fiction

Barry Luokkala, a teaching professor at Carnegie Mellon University, uses science fiction to teach factual science, both in the classroom and through a paperback textbook available to the public.

Red Dead’s History

History professor Tore Olsson launched a college course in 2021 that used popular video game Red Dead Redemption to explore U.S. history, then wrote a book based on the class afterwards.

Set Phasers to Teach

The collection of essays discuss the various ways that the science fiction franchise Star Trek can be used in college classrooms, including within fields that might not be immediately evident.

Teaching with the Beatles

The rock band has found their way into colleges and universities around the world in classes not only about their music but their influence on the 1960s and the history of the decade as well.

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