Popular Culture Courses and Curriculums

Civics for All Comics Group

As part of the Civics for All initiative at New York City public schools, historical graphic novels like John Lewis’s March and specially created comic books are being used as learning tools.

Comics @ San Diego State University

After having amassed an impressive collection of comic books, graphic novels, and historical artifacts, SDSU is developing a groundbreaking program on comic books and social justice.

The First College Course on Comic Books

Indiana University student Michael Uslan successfully proposed a course on comic books in 1972, the first solely centered on the medium, that generated publicity across the country.

Reacting to the Past

A new approach to teaching by Mark Carnes at Barnard College in 1996 led to a collection of historically-based role-playing games being used in college classrooms across the country.


The brainchild of rock musician Steve Van Zandt, the non-profit organization has developed over 200 lesson plans that use music to teach everything from history to science to mathematics.

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